Thursday, July 12, 2012

1111.1877 (Eva-Maria Graefe et al.)

Complexified coherent states and quantum evolution with non-Hermitian

Eva-Maria Graefe, Roman Schubert

1112.3306 (Xiaosen Han)

The Existence of Multi-vortices for a Generalized Self-dual Chern-Simons

Xiaosen Han

1207.2480 (Hermann Schulz-Baldes)

Persistence of spin edge currents in disordered quantum spin Hall

Hermann Schulz-Baldes

1207.2499 (Jesse Lu et al.)

Objective-First Nanophotonic Design    [PDF]

Jesse Lu, Jelena Vuckovic

1207.2522 (Boris F. Samsonov)

Supersymmetric $η$ operators    [PDF]

Boris F. Samsonov

1207.2525 (Boris F. Samsonov)

Hermitian Hamiltonian equivalent to a given non-Hermitian one.
Manifestation of spectral singularity

Boris F. Samsonov

1207.2562 (Ivan Kostov et al.)

Inner products of Bethe states as partial domain wall partition

Ivan Kostov, Yutaka Matsuo

1207.2569 (Jérémie Boulanger et al.)

Stochastic description of geometric phase for polarized waves in random

Jérémie Boulanger, Nicolas le Bihan, Vincent Rossetto

1207.2581 (Mihai Visinescu)

Killing forms on the five-dimensional Einstein-Sasaki Y(p,q) spaces    [PDF]

Mihai Visinescu

1207.2593 (Petre Dita)

Four-parameter families of complex Hadamard matrices of order six    [PDF]

Petre Dita

1207.2633 (Clemens Sämann et al.)

On the completeness of impulsive gravitational waves    [PDF]

Clemens Sämann, Roland Steinbauer

1207.2692 (Bruce Turkington)

An optimization principle for deriving nonequilibrium statistical models
of Hamiltonian dynamics

Bruce Turkington

1207.2713 (Vladislav V. Kravchenko et al.)

Spectral problems in inhomogeneous media, spectral parameter power
series and transmutation operators

Vladislav V. Kravchenko, Sergii M. Torba

1207.2751 (Dana Fine et al.)

Supersymmetic Quantum Mechanics and the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern Theorem    [PDF]

Dana Fine, Stephen Sawin

1207.2759 (Béatrice de Tilière)

Principal minors Pfaffian half-tree theorem    [PDF]

Béatrice de Tilière