Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1107.3670 (Sabine Jansen et al.)

Large deviations for cluster size distributions in a continuous
classical many-body system

Sabine Jansen, Wolfgang Koenig, Bernd Metzger

1207.7357 (Fei Gao et al.)

Reconstruction mechanism with self-growing equations for hyper, improper
and proper fractional chaotic systems through a novel non-Lyapunov approach

Fei Gao, Feng-Xia Fei, Qian Xu, Yan-Fang Deng, Yi-Bo Qi, Ilangko Balasingham

1207.7079 (J. Kuipers et al.)

Improving multivariate Horner schemes with Monte Carlo tree search    [PDF]

J. Kuipers, J. A. M. Vermaseren, A. Plaat, H. J. van den Herik

1207.7108 (Yevgeniy Kovchegov et al.)

Horton self-similarity of Kingman's coalescent process    [PDF]

Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Ilia Zaliapin

1207.7177 (Drazen Adamovic et al.)

Fusion rules and complete reducibility of certain modules for affine Lie

Drazen Adamovic, Ozren Perse

1207.7190 (K. Ito et al.)

Absence of positive eigenvalues for hard-core N-body systems    [PDF]

K. Ito, E. Skibsted

1207.7198 (B. Buffoni et al.)

On the stability of travelling waves with vorticity obtained by

B. Buffoni, G. R. Burton

1207.7300 (Igor A. Bandos)

On pure spinor formalism for quantum superstring and spinor moving frame    [PDF]

Igor A. Bandos

1207.7307 (Leonardo Banchi et al.)

Diagonalization of quasi-uniform tridiagonal matrices    [PDF]

Leonardo Banchi, Ruggero Vaia

1207.7313 (N. G. Almarza et al.)

The nature of the ordered phase of the confined self-assembled rigid rod

N. G. Almarza, J. M. Tavares, M. M. Telo da Gama

1207.7339 (Pierre-Philippe Dechant)

Rank-3 root systems induce root systems of rank 4 via a new Clifford
spinor construction

Pierre-Philippe Dechant

1207.7350 (Roman G. Smirnov et al.)

The Smorodinsky-Winternitz potential revisited    [PDF]

Roman G. Smirnov, Amelia L. Yzaguirre