Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1008.4502 (Jeremy Thane Clark)

Suppressed dispersion for a randomly kicked quantum particle in a Dirac

Jeremy Thane Clark
I study a model for a massive one-dimensional particle in a singular periodic potential that is receiving kicks from a gas. The model is described by a Lindblad equation in which the Hamiltonian is a Schr\"odinger operator with a periodic $\delta$-potential and the noise has a frictionless form arising in a Brownian limit. I prove that an emergent Markov process in a semi-classical limit governs the momentum distribution in the extended-zone scheme. The main result is a central limit theorem for a time integral of the momentum process, which is closely related to the particle's position. When normalized by $t^{5/4}$, the integral process converges to a time-changed Brownian motion whose rate depends on the momentum process. The scaling $t^{5/4}$ contrasts with $t^{3/2}$, which would be expected for the case of a smooth periodic potential or for a comparable classical process. The difference is a wave effect driven by Bragg reflections that occur when the particle's momentum is kicked near the half-spaced reciprocal lattice.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.4502

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