Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1203.1136 (Fumio Hiroshima et al.)

Enhanced Binding in Quantum Field Theory    [PDF]

Fumio Hiroshima, Itaru Sasaki, Herbert Spohn, Akito Suzuki
This lecture note consists of three parts. Fundamental facts on Boson Fock space are introduced in Part I. Ref. 1.and 3. are reviewed in Part II and, Ref. 2. and 4. in Part III. In Part I a symplectic structure of a Boson Fock space is studied and a projective unitary representation of an infinite dimensional symplectic group through Bogoliubov transformations is constructed. In Part II the so-called Pauli-Fierz model (PF model) with the dipole approximation in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics is investigated. This model describes a minimal interaction between a massless quantized radiation field and a quantum mechanical particle (electron) governed by Schr\"odinger operator. By applying the Bogoliubov transformation introduced in Part I we investigate the spectrum of the PF model. First the translation invariant case is considered and the dressed electron state with a fixed momentum is studied. Secondly the absence of ground state is proven by extending the Birman-Schwinger principle. Finally the enhanced binding of a ground state is discussed and the transition from unbinding to binding is shown. In Part III the so-called $N$-body Nelson model is studied. This model describes a linear interaction between a scalar field and $N$-body quantum mechanical particles. First the enhanced binding is shown by checking the so-called stability condition. Secondly the Nelson model with variable coefficients is discussed, which model can be derived when the Minkowskian space-time is replaced by a static Riemannian manifold, and the absence of ground state is proven, if the variable mass decays to zero sufficiently fast. The strategy is based on a path measure argument.
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