Tuesday, April 3, 2012

0902.3917 (Alice Mikikits-Leitner et al.)

Trace Formulas for Schroedinger Operators in Connection with Scattering
Theory for Finite-Gap Backgrounds

Alice Mikikits-Leitner, Gerald Teschl

1011.3438 (Dong Liu)

Classification of Harish-Chandra modules over some Lie algebras related
to the Virasoro algebra

Dong Liu

1101.5177 (Mahir Hadzic)

Orthogonality conditions and asymptotic stability in the Stefan problem
with surface tension

Mahir Hadzic

1104.3415 (Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard et al.)

Exponential Renormalization II: Bogoliubov's R-operation and momentum
subtraction schemes

Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard, Frederic Patras

1106.0765 (A. B. Zheglov)

On rings of commuting partial differential operators    [PDF]

A. B. Zheglov

1110.2968 (Daniele Venturi)

Conjugate flow action functionals    [PDF]

Daniele Venturi

1111.2253 (Jarek Duda)

From Maximal Entropy Random Walk to quantum thermodynamics    [PDF]

Jarek Duda

1111.5557 (Pedro Vidal et al.)

Statistics of reflection eigenvalues in chaotic cavities with non-ideal

Pedro Vidal, Eugene Kanzieper

1111.6266 (Cresus F. L. Godinho et al.)

Extending the D'Alembert Solution to Space-Time Modified
Riemann-Liouville Fractional Wave Equations

Cresus F. L. Godinho, J. Weberszpil, J. A. Helayƫl-Neto