Tuesday, February 21, 2012

0912.2948 (Yasha Savelyev)

Bott periodicity and stable quantum classes    [PDF]

Yasha Savelyev

1006.4095 (Laurent Marin)

The fractal dimension of the spectrum of quasiperiodical schrodinger

Laurent Marin

1102.5125 (Richard J. Mathar)

Corrigendum to "Universal factorization of 3n-j (j>2) symbols..." [J.
Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 3259]

Richard J. Mathar

1104.3839 (Riccardo Adami et al.)

Stationary States of NLS on Star Graphs    [PDF]

Riccardo Adami, Claudio Cacciapuoti, Domenico Finco, Diego Noja

1104.4299 (Laurent Marin)

On and Off-diagonal Sturmian operator: dynamic and spectral dimension    [PDF]

Laurent Marin

1106.4852 (Domingos H. U. Marchetti et al.)

Anderson-like Transition for a Class of Random Sparse Models in d >= 2

Domingos H. U. Marchetti, Walter F. Wreszinski

1107.4320 (Marco Bochicchio)

Glueballs in large-N YM by localization on critical points    [PDF]

Marco Bochicchio

1107.5274 (Maité Dupuis et al.)

Holomorphic Lorentzian Simplicity Constraints    [PDF]

Maité Dupuis, Laurent Freidel, Etera R. Livine, Simone Speziale

1108.1229 (Florin Diacu)

Relative equilibria in the 3-dimensional curved n-body problem    [PDF]

Florin Diacu

1108.2615 (Iwo Bialynicki-Birula et al.)

Removal of the Schwinger nonanaliticity in pair production by adiabatic
switching of the electric field

Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, Lukasz Rudnicki

1109.4109 (Michael Bishop et al.)

Ground State Energy of the One-Dimensional Discrete Random
Schrödinger Operator with Bernoulli Potential

Michael Bishop, Jan Wehr

1110.1315 (E. Bolthausen et al.)

A copolymer near a selective interface: variational characterization of
the free energy

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander, A. A. Opoku

1110.2748 (Julien Roger et al.)

The skein algebra of arcs and links and the decorated Teichmüller

Julien Roger, Tian Yang

1111.6073 (Marco Bochicchio)

Glueballs propagators in large-N YM    [PDF]

Marco Bochicchio

1111.6565 (Natasha Blitvić)

The $(q,t)$-Gaussian Process    [PDF]

Natasha Blitvić

1112.0083 (Ph. A. Jacquet et al.)

Temperature and Voltage Probes Far from Equilibrium    [PDF]

Ph. A. Jacquet, C. -A. Pillet

1202.4037 (J. S. Brauchart et al.)

The next-order term for optimal Riesz and logarithmic energy asymptotics
on the sphere

J. S. Brauchart, D. P. Hardin, E. B. Saff

1202.4082 (Anton Izosimov)

A note on relative equilibria of multidimensional rigid body    [PDF]

Anton Izosimov

1202.4088 (Philip T. Gressman et al.)

A non-local inequality and global existence    [PDF]

Philip T. Gressman, Joachim Krieger, Robert M. Strain

1202.4103 (Nikolay Gromov et al.)

Quantum Integrability for Three-Point Functions    [PDF]

Nikolay Gromov, Pedro Vieira

1202.4123 (Masataka Kanki et al.)

Soliton solutions of a generalized discrete KdV equation    [PDF]

Masataka Kanki, Jun Mada, Tetsuji Tokihiro

1202.4126 (Nishu Lal et al.)

Higher-Dimensional Complex Dynamics and Spectral Zeta Functions of
Fractal Differential Sturm-Liouville Operators

Nishu Lal, Michel L. Lapidus

1202.4205 (Roberto Fernández et al.)

Variational description of Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for the
Curie-Weiss model

Roberto Fernández, Frank den Hollander, Julián Martínez

1202.4208 (Xin-Ping Xu et al.)

Symmetry and localization of quantum walk induced by extra link in

Xin-Ping Xu, Yusuke Ide, Norio Konno

1202.4246 (Eyal Lubetzky et al.)

Cutoff for general spin systems with arbitrary boundary conditions    [PDF]

Eyal Lubetzky, Allan Sly

1202.4251 (Sven Peter Näsholm et al.)

A Fractional Acoustic Wave Equation from Multiple Relaxation Loss and
Conservation Laws

Sven Peter Näsholm, Sverre Holm

1202.4264 (Livia Corsi et al.)

Resonant motions in the presence of degeneracies for quasi-periodically
perturbed systems

Livia Corsi, Guido Gentile

1202.4268 (Altug Arda et al.)

Exact Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation via Laplace Transform
Approach: Pseudoharmonic potential and Mie-type potentials

Altug Arda, Ramazan Sever

1202.4271 (Altug Arda et al.)

Non-Central Potentials, Exact Solutions and Laplace Transform Approach    [PDF]

Altug Arda, Ramazan Sever

1202.4303 (J. Blümlein et al.)

Evaluation of Multi-Sums for Large Scale Problems    [PDF]

J. Blümlein, A. Hasselhuhn, C. Schneider

1202.4308 (Andrzej Herdegen)

Infrared limit in external field scattering    [PDF]

Andrzej Herdegen

1202.4342 (Tristan Hubsch et al.)

On the Construction and the Structure of Off-Shell Supermultiplet

Tristan Hubsch, Gregory A. Katona

1202.4343 (Frank Redig et al.)

Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions via large deviations: computable examples    [PDF]

Frank Redig, Feijia Wang

1202.4395 (I. Ya. Arefeva et al.)

Rolling in the Higgs Model and Elliptic Functions    [PDF]

I. Ya. Arefeva, E. V. Piskovskiy, I. V. Volovich

1202.4405 (Lun-Shin Yao)

Convergent Numerical Solutions of Unsteady Problems    [PDF]

Lun-Shin Yao

1202.4415 (Robert V. Moody et al.)

New families of Weyl group orbit functions    [PDF]

Robert V. Moody, Lenka Motlochova, Jiri Patera

1202.4418 (S. J. Gates Jr et al.)

The Real Anatomy of Complex Linear Superfields    [PDF]

S. J. Gates Jr, J. Hallett, T. Hubsch, K. Stiffler

1202.4420 (P. Zinn-Justin)

Sum rule for the eight-vertex model on its combinatorial line    [PDF]

P. Zinn-Justin

1202.4422 (Jennie D'Ambroise et al.)

Parametric solution of certain nonlinear differential equations in

Jennie D'Ambroise, Floyd L. Williams

1202.4428 (Y. Ishimoto et al.)

2D Lattice Liquid Models    [PDF]

Y. Ishimoto, T. Murashima, T. Taniguchi, R. Yamamoto