Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1111.6565 (Natasha Blitvić)

The $(q,t)$-Gaussian Process    [PDF]

Natasha Blitvić
We introduce a two-parameter deformation of the classical Bosonic, Fermionic,
and Boltzmann Fock spaces that is a refinement of the $q$-Fock space of [BS91].
Starting with a real, separable Hilbert space $H$, we construct the
$(q,t)$-Fock space and the corresponding creation and annihilation operators,
$\{a_{q,t}(h)^\ast\}_{h\in H}$ and $\{a_{q,t}(h)\}_{h\in H}$, satifying the
$(q,t)$-commutation relation $a_{q,t}(f)a_{q,t}(g)^\ast-q \,a_{q,t}(g)^\ast
a_{q,t}(f)= _{_H}\, t^{N},$ for $h,g\in H$, with $N$ denoting the number
operator. Interpreting the bounded linear operators on the $(q,t)$-Fock space
as non-commutative random variables, the analogue of the Gaussian random
variable is given by the deformed field operator
$s_{q,t}(h):=a_{q,t}(h)+a_{q,t}(h)^\ast$, for $h\in H$. The resulting
refinement is particularly natural, as the moments of $s_{q,t}(h)$ are encoded
by the joint statistics of crossings \emph{and nestings} in pair partitions.
Furthermore, the orthogonal polynomial sequence associated with the normalized
$(q,t)$-Gaussian $s_{q,t}$ is that of the $(q,t)$-Hermite orthogonal
polynomials, a deformation of the $q$-Hermite sequence that is given by the
recurrence $zH_n(z;q,t)=H_{n+1}(z;q,t)+[n]_{q,t}H_{n-1}(z;q,t),$ with
$H_0(z;q,t)=1$, $H_1(z;q,t)=z$, and $[n]_{q,t}=\sum_{i=1}^n q^{i-1}t^{n-i}$.
The $q=0full Boltzmann Fock space of free probability. The probability measure
associated with the corresponding deformed semicircular operator turns out to
be encoded, in various forms, via the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction, the
Rogers-Ramanujan identities, the $t$-Airy function, the $t$-Catalan numbers of
Carlitz-Riordan, and the first-order statistics of the reduced Wigner process.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.6565

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