Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1102.1581 (Juha Honkonen)

Ito and Stratonovich calculuses in stochastic field theory    [PDF]

Juha Honkonen

1106.5473 (Branimir Cacic et al.)

Coupling of gravity to matter, spectral action and cosmic topology    [PDF]

Branimir Cacic, Matilde Marcolli, Kevin Teh

1109.5841 (Iván Calvo et al.)

Extreme value distributions and Renormalization Group    [PDF]

Iván Calvo, Juan C. Cuchí, José G. Esteve, Fernando Falceto

1210.3646 (Gerald V. Dunne et al.)

Continuity and Resurgence: towards a continuum definition of the CP(N-1)

Gerald V. Dunne, Mithat Unsal

1210.3647 (Giampaolo Cicogna et al.)

A generalization of λ-symmetry reduction for systems of ODEs:

Giampaolo Cicogna, Giuseppe Gaeta, Sebastian Walcher

1210.3662 (Tertuliano Franco et al.)

Phase transition of a Heat equation with Robin's boundary conditions and
exclusion process

Tertuliano Franco, Patricia Gonçalves, Adriana Neumann

1210.3666 (Adrian Arancibia et al.)

The effect of scalings and translations on the supersymmetric structure
of soliton systems

Adrian Arancibia, Juan Mateos Guilarte, Mikhail S. Plyushchay

1210.3673 (Sergey I. Senashov et al.)

Conservation Laws, Hodograph Transformation and Boundary Value Problems
of Plane Plasticity

Sergey I. Senashov, Alexander Yakhno

1210.3700 (Valery Fabrikant)

On The Integral Invariant With Respect to a parameter    [PDF]

Valery Fabrikant

1210.3701 (Riccardo De Pascalis et al.)

Predicting the pressure-volume curve of an elastic microsphere composite    [PDF]

Riccardo De Pascalis, I. David Abrahams, William J. Parnell

1210.3710 (D. Babusci et al.)

Generating Functions for Laguerre Polynomials: New Identities for
Lacunary Series

D. Babusci, G. Dattoli, K. Gorska, K. A. Penson

1210.3827 (Stefan Grosskinsky et al.)

Dynamics of condensation in the symmetric inclusion process    [PDF]

Stefan Grosskinsky, Frank Redig, Kiamars Vafayi

1210.3879 (Saeid Molladavoudi et al.)

Jensen-Shannon Divergence and Non-linear Quantum Dynamics    [PDF]

Saeid Molladavoudi, Hishamuddin Zainuddin, Chan Kar Tim

1210.3896 (H. M. Khudaverdian et al.)

Geometry of differential operators of second order, the algebra of
densities, and groupoids

H. M. Khudaverdian, Th. Th. Voronov

1210.3907 (Plamen Djakov et al.)

Divergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with two
exponential term potentials

Plamen Djakov, Boris Mityagin

1210.3908 (John E. Gray et al.)

The Mean: Axiomatics, Generalizations,Applications    [PDF]

John E. Gray, Andrew Vogt

1210.3934 (Juha Honkonen)

Functional Methods in Stochastic Systems    [PDF]

Juha Honkonen

1210.3976 (Andrea Di Stefano et al.)

A perturbative probabilistic approach to quantum many-body systems    [PDF]

Andrea Di Stefano, Massimo Ostilli, Carlo Presilla

1210.4018 (Michael Bildhauer et al.)

Liouville-type theorems for steady flows of degenerate power law fluids
in the plane

Michael Bildhauer, Martin Fuchs, Guo Zhang

1210.4031 (Jochen Zahn)

The renormalized locally covariant Dirac field    [PDF]

Jochen Zahn

1210.4058 (J. Guerrero et al.)

Symmetries of the quantum damped harmonic oscillator    [PDF]

J. Guerrero, F. F. López-Ruiz, V. Aldaya, F. Cossío

1210.4072 (Dong Li et al.)

On the well-posedness of a 2D nonlinear and nonlocal system arising from
the dislocation dynamics

Dong Li, Changxing Miao, Liutang Xue

1210.4075 (Feifei Li et al.)

The Weyl-Wigner-Moyal Formalism for Spin    [PDF]

Feifei Li, Carol Braun, Anupam Garg

1210.4088 (Denis Borisov et al.)

On the spectrum of deformations of compact double-sided flat

Denis Borisov, Pedro Freitas

1210.4092 (Marcelo R. Ubriaco)

Geometry of Quantum Group invariant systems    [PDF]

Marcelo R. Ubriaco

1210.4108 (Mattias N. R. Wohlfarth et al.)

Local spacetime effects on gyroscope systems    [PDF]

Mattias N. R. Wohlfarth, Christian Pfeifer

1210.4118 (Joep Evers et al.)

Solutions to a measured-valued mass evolution problem with flux boundary
conditions inspired by crowd dynamics

Joep Evers, Sander Hille, Adrian Muntean

1210.4135 (A. V. Latyshev et al.)

Analytical solution of second Stokes problem about behaviour of gas over
fluctuating surface by means of ellipsoidal statistical equation

A. V. Latyshev, A. A. Yushkanov