Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1101.5700 (Wojciech Dybalski et al.)

Infraparticles with superselected direction of motion in two-dimensional
conformal field theory

Wojciech Dybalski, Yoh Tanimoto

1105.4566 (Sourav Chatterjee)

The universal relation between scaling exponents in first-passage

Sourav Chatterjee

1107.0947 (Reinel Sospedra-Alfonso et al.)

Global Classical Solutions of the Relativistic Vlasov-Darwin System with
Small Cauchy Data: the Generalized Variables Approach

Reinel Sospedra-Alfonso, Martial Agueh, Reinhard Illner

1107.2629 (Yoh Tanimoto)

Construction of wedge-local nets of observables through Longo-Witten

Yoh Tanimoto

1107.2662 (Yoh Tanimoto)

Noninteraction of waves in two-dimensional conformal field theory    [PDF]

Yoh Tanimoto

1107.5840 (Jean-Philippe Michel)

Higher Symmetries of the Laplacian via Quantization    [PDF]

Jean-Philippe Michel

1109.4754 (Christoph Berns et al.)

Kawasaki dynamics in continuum: micro- and mesoscopic descriptions    [PDF]

Christoph Berns, Yuri kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky, Oleksandr Kutoviy

1112.5623 (Alberto Mario Maiocchi et al.)

A series expansion for the time autocorrelation of dynamical variables    [PDF]

Alberto Mario Maiocchi, Andrea Carati, Antonio Giorgilli

1208.3714 (Wenxuan Lu)

SYZ Mirror Symmetry of Hitchin's Moduli Spaces Near Singular Fibers I    [PDF]

Wenxuan Lu

1208.3726 (Matteo Petrera et al.)

S. Kovalevskaya system, its generalization and discretization    [PDF]

Matteo Petrera, Yuri B. Suris

1208.3752 (Da-jun Zhang et al.)

Generalized Cauchy matrix approach    [PDF]

Da-jun Zhang, Song-lin Zhao

1208.3763 (M. Grillakis et al.)

Pair excitations and the mean field approximation of interacting Bosons,

M. Grillakis, M. Machedon

1208.3775 (Oleg Yu. Imanuvilov et al.)

Inverse boundary value problem for linear Schrödinger equation in two

Oleg Yu. Imanuvilov, Masahiro Yamamoto

1208.3776 (Renato Feres et al.)

Multiple scattering in random mechanical systems and diffusion

Renato Feres, Jasmine Ng, Hong-Kun Zhang

1208.3784 (Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa)

Commutator methods for the spectral analysis of uniquely ergodic
dynamical systems

Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa

1208.3787 (Hugo Duminil-Copin)

Divergence of the correlation length for critical planar FK percolation
with $1\le q\le4$ via parafermionic observables

Hugo Duminil-Copin

1208.3826 (Alan Hammond et al.)

Local time on the exceptional set of dynamical percolation, and the
Incipient Infinite Cluster

Alan Hammond, Gábor Pete, Oded Schramm

1208.3841 (Alfred Shapere et al.)

Constraints on Chronologies    [PDF]

Alfred Shapere, Frank Wilczek

1208.3861 (S. Hasibul Hassan Chowdhury et al.)

The Symmetry Groups of Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and Coherent
State Quantization

S. Hasibul Hassan Chowdhury, S. Twareque Ali

1208.3889 (Bryan W. Roberts)

Kramers degeneracy without eigenvectors    [PDF]

Bryan W. Roberts

1208.3945 (Julio Garralón et al.)

Dissipative perturbations for the K(n,n) Rosenau-Hyman equation    [PDF]

Julio Garralón, Francisco R. Villatoro

1208.3958 (Christian Kreuzer)

A Note on why Enforcing Discrete Maximum Principles by a simple a
Posteriori Cutoff is a Good Idea

Christian Kreuzer

1208.3991 (S. Jitomirskaya et al.)

Continuity of the measure of the spectrum for quasiperiodic Schrodinger
operators with rough potentials

S. Jitomirskaya, R. Mavi

1208.4015 (A. A. Ovchinnikov)

On the asymptotic expansion of the correlators in the XX spin chain    [PDF]

A. A. Ovchinnikov

1208.4052 (Jean-Philippe Michel)

Conformally equivariant quantization for spinning particles    [PDF]

Jean-Philippe Michel