Thursday, November 22, 2012

1105.2033 (A. A. Alikhanov)

Boundary value problems for the diffusion equation of the variable order
in differential and difference settings

A. A. Alikhanov

1106.3354 (Hernán Cendra et al.)

An extension of the Dirac and Gotay-Nester theories of constraints for
Dirac dynamical systems

Hernán Cendra, María Etchechoury, Sebastián J. Ferraro

1211.4877 (Jean-Christophe Pain)

Commutation relations of operator monomials    [PDF]

Jean-Christophe Pain

1211.4941 (Antonio C. Gutiérrez-Piñeres et al.)

Conformastatic disk-haloes in Einstein-Maxwell gravity    [PDF]

Antonio C. Gutiérrez-Piñeres, Guillermo A. González, Hernando Quevedo

1211.4945 (Andrew M. Childs et al.)

Product Formulas for Exponentials of Commutators    [PDF]

Andrew M. Childs, Nathan Wiebe

1211.4965 (Toshimitsu Takaesu)

Essential spectrum of fermionic quantum field model    [PDF]

Toshimitsu Takaesu

1211.4993 (A. C. P. Bitencourt et al.)

Exact and asymptotic computations of elementary spin networks:
classification of the quantum-classical boundaries

A. C. P. Bitencourt, A. Marzuoli, M. Ragni, R. W. Anderson, V. Aquilanti

1211.5010 (David P. Blecher)

Noncommutative peak interpolation revisited    [PDF]

David P. Blecher

1211.5019 (Congping Lin et al.)

A model for motor-mediated bidirectional transport along an antipolar
microtubule bundle

Congping Lin, Peter Ashwin, Gero Steinberg

1211.5049 (Sergio Giardino et al.)

A non-associative quaternion scalar field theory    [PDF]

Sergio Giardino, Paulo Teotônio-Sobrinho

1211.5109 (Octavio Castaños et al.)

Generalized coherent states for time-dependent and nonlinear
Hamiltonians via complex Riccati equations

Octavio Castaños, Dieter Schuch, Oscar Rosas-Ortiz

1211.5128 (Boele Braaksma et al.)

Existence of quasipatterns solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg equation    [PDF]

Boele Braaksma, Gérard Iooss, Laurent Stolovitch