Monday, December 10, 2012

1110.3740 (Abhijit Gadde et al.)

Gauge Theories and Macdonald Polynomials    [PDF]

Abhijit Gadde, Leonardo Rastelli, Shlomo S. Razamat, Wenbin Yan

1212.1476 (Baoping Liu et al.)

Local wellposedness of Chern-Simons-Schrödinger    [PDF]

Baoping Liu, Paul Smith, Daniel Tataru

1212.1487 (Michael Bishop et al.)

Ground State Energy of Mean-field Model of Interacting Bosons in
Bernoulli Potential

Michael Bishop, Jan Wehr

1212.1512 (Kazuyuki Fujii et al.)

Rotating Wave Approximation of the Law's Effective Hamiltonian on the
Dynamical Casimir Effect

Kazuyuki Fujii, Tatsuo Suzuki

1212.1565 (S. Panda et al.)

Boundary perturbations and the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions    [PDF]

S. Panda, G. Hazra

1212.1566 (Mahdi Eshghi et al.)

Exact solutions of a spatially-dependent mass Dirac equation for Coulomb
field plus tensor interaction via Laplace transformation method

Mahdi Eshghi, Majid Hamzavi, Sameer M. Ikhdair

1212.1575 (Kohei Motegi)

On Baxter's Q operator of the higher spin XXZ chain at the
Razumov-Stroganov point

Kohei Motegi

1212.1588 (W. T. Kranz et al.)

The Glass Transition in Driven Granular Fluids: A Mode-Coupling Approach    [PDF]

W. T. Kranz, M. Sperl, A. Zippelius

1212.1590 (Hubert F. M. Goenner)

Weak Lie Symmetry and extended Lie algebra    [PDF]

Hubert F. M. Goenner

1212.1627 (Andronikos Paliathanasis)

Using Noether symmetries to specify f(R) gravity    [PDF]

Andronikos Paliathanasis

1212.1628 (Pierluigi Contucci et al.)

Interaction Flip Identities for non Centered Spin Glasses    [PDF]

Pierluigi Contucci, Cristian Giardina', Claudio Giberti

1212.1630 (Motohisa Fukuda et al.)

Asymptotically well-behaved input states do not violate additivity for
conjugate pairs of random quantum channels

Motohisa Fukuda, Ion Nechita

1212.1631 (Giovanni Felder et al.)

The classical master equation    [PDF]

Giovanni Felder, David Kazhdan

1212.1649 (Alex Williams et al.)

The paramagnetic and glass transitions in sudoku    [PDF]

Alex Williams, Graeme . J. Ackland

1212.1691 (Aleksey Kostenko et al.)

Spectral theory of semibounded Schrödinger operators with

Aleksey Kostenko, Mark Malamud

1212.1692 (Daniel S. Freed et al.)

Relative quantum field theory    [PDF]

Daniel S. Freed, Constantin Teleman