Monday, May 21, 2012

1104.0696 (K. Kanakoglou et al.)

On a class of Fock-like representations for Lie Superalgebras    [PDF]

K. Kanakoglou, A. Herrera-Aguilar

1109.6568 (Sabine Jansen)

Mayer and virial series at low temperature    [PDF]

Sabine Jansen

1111.0810 (M. Tsamparlis et al.)

Autonomous three dimensional Newtonian systems which admit Lie and
Noether point symmetries

M. Tsamparlis, A. Paliathanasis, L. Karpathopoulos

1201.2210 (Sergey A. Denisov)

The sharp corner formation in 2d Euler dynamics of patches: infinite
double exponential rate of merging

Sergey A. Denisov

1201.2750 (Francisco Correa et al.)

Self-isospectral tri-supersymmetry in PT-symmetric quantum systems with
pure imaginary periodicity

Francisco Correa, Mikhail S. Plyushchay

1205.4054 (Craig A. Tracy et al.)

The Bose Gas and Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process on the Half-Line    [PDF]

Craig A. Tracy, Harold Widom

1205.4114 (Michael Tsamparlis et al.)

Generalizing the autonomous Kepler Ermakov system in a Riemannian space    [PDF]

Michael Tsamparlis, Andronikos Paliathanasis

1205.4141 (Sameer M. Ikhdair et al.)

Effects of external fields on two-dimensional Klein-Gordon particle
under pseudoharmonic oscillator interaction

Sameer M. Ikhdair, Majid Hamzavi

1205.4152 (A. Zabrodin)

The master T-operator for vertex models with trigonometric $R$-matrices
as classical tau-function

A. Zabrodin

1205.4184 (Johannes Blümlein et al.)

The $O(α_s^3 n_f T_F^2 C_{A,F})$} Contributions to the Gluonic
Massive Operator Matrix Elements

Johannes Blümlein, Alexander Hasselhuhn, Sebastian Klein, Carsten Schneider

1205.4203 (Stanislav S. Zub)

Orbitron. Part I. Stable orbital motion of magnetic dipole in the field
of permanent magnets

Stanislav S. Zub

1205.4214 (Rami Band et al.)

Finite pseudo orbit expansions for spectral quantities of quantum graphs    [PDF]

Rami Band, Jonathan M Harrison, Christopher H Joyner

1205.4215 (Vincent X. Genest et al.)

The Bannai-Ito polynomials as Racah coefficients of the sl_{-1}(2)

Vincent X. Genest, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov