Monday, January 28, 2013

1301.5955 (Alexander Bihlo et al.)

Convecting reference frames and invariant numerical models    [PDF]

Alexander Bihlo, Jean-Christophe Nave

1301.5956 (George A. Hagedorn)

A Minimal Uncertainty Product for One Dimensional Semiclassical Wave

George A. Hagedorn

1301.5982 (Gabriel Álvarez et al.)

Superpotentials, quantum parameter space and phase transitions in N=1
supersymmetric gauge theories

Gabriel Álvarez, Luis Martínez Alonso, Elena Medina

1301.5999 (David Brander et al.)

Constant Gaussian curvature surfaces in the 3-sphere via loop groups    [PDF]

David Brander, Jun-ichi Inoguchi, Shimpei Kobayashi

1301.6061 (Daniel Gerth et al.)

Regularization of an autoconvolution problem in ultrashort laser pulse

Daniel Gerth, Bernd Hofmann, Simon Birkholz, Sebastian Koke, Günter Steinmeyer

1301.6063 (Holger Boche et al.)

Arbitrarily Small Amounts of Correlation for Arbitrarily Varying Quantum

Holger Boche, Janis Noetzel

1301.6066 (J. Squire et al.)

The Hamiltonian structure and Euler-Poincaré formulation of the
Vlasov-Maxwell and gyrokinetic systems

J. Squire, H. Qin, W. M. Tang, C. Chandre

1301.6090 (Yoh Tanimoto)

Construction of two-dimensional quantum field models through
Longo-Witten endomorphisms

Yoh Tanimoto

1301.6101 (Claus Gerhardt)

A unified quantum theory II: gravity interacting with Yang-Mills and
spinor fields

Claus Gerhardt

1301.6148 (E. S. Rodrigues et al.)

Dirac Equation with vector and scalar potentials via Supersymmetry in
Quantum Mechanics

E. S. Rodrigues, A. F. de Lima, R. de Lima Rodrigues