Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1109.4065 (Thomas Creutzig et al.)

A commutant realization of W^(2)_n at critical level    [PDF]

Thomas Creutzig, Peng Gao, Andrew R. Linshaw

1112.5042 (Andrew Lawrie et al.)

Scattering for wave maps exterior to a ball    [PDF]

Andrew Lawrie, Wilhelm Schlag

1210.1857 (Balasubramanya T. Nadiga et al.)

The Equivalence of the Lagrangian-Averaged Navier-Stokes-α Model
and the Rational LES model in Two Dimensions

Balasubramanya T. Nadiga, Freddy Bouchet

1210.1912 (C. C. Yen et al.)

Self-gravitational force calculation of infinitesimally thin gaseous

C. C. Yen, R. E. Taam, Ken H. C. Yeh, K. C. Chang

1210.1917 (I. Binder et al.)

On the Rate of Convergence for Critical Crossing Probabilities    [PDF]

I. Binder, L. Chayes, H. K. Lei

1210.1936 (Paulina Marian et al.)

On a power series involving classical orthogonal polynomials    [PDF]

Paulina Marian, Tudor A. Marian

1210.1981 (Stephen Childress)

A model for singularity formation in three-dimensional Euler and
Navier-Stokes flows

Stephen Childress

1210.2038 (Andronikos Paliathanasis et al.)

Lie point symmetries of a general class of PDEs: The heat equation    [PDF]

Andronikos Paliathanasis, Michael Tsamparlis

1210.2106 (Motohico Mulase)

The Laplace transform, mirror symmetry, and the topological recursion of

Motohico Mulase

1210.2109 (Andriy Andrusyk)

Infinite series representations for Bessel functions of the first kind
of integer order

Andriy Andrusyk

1210.2119 (Stefano Pirandola)

Restoring broken entanglement by injecting separable correlations    [PDF]

Stefano Pirandola

1210.2129 (Ben Cox et al.)

DJKM algebras and non-classical orthogonal polynomials    [PDF]

Ben Cox, Vyacheslav Futorny, Juan A. Tirao

1210.2134 (D. S. Kaparulin et al.)

Lagrange Anchor for Bargmann-Wigner equations    [PDF]

D. S. Kaparulin, S. L. Lyakhovich, A. A. Sharapov

1210.2172 (Vladimir Mitev et al.)

The Tetrahedron Zamolodchikov Algebra and the AdS5 x S5 S-matrix    [PDF]

Vladimir Mitev, Matthias Staudacher, Zengo Tsuboi

1210.2181 (Nan-Hong Kuo et al.)

The Landen transformation between two kinds of N=2 separable solutions
of Sine Gordon equation

Nan-Hong Kuo, C. D. Hu

1210.2199 (Sheehan Olver et al.)

Numerical solution of Riemann--Hilbert problems: random matrix theory
and orthogonal polynomials

Sheehan Olver, Thomas Trogdon

1210.2203 (Lila Warszawski et al.)

Knock-on processes in superfluid vortex avalanches and pulsar glitch

Lila Warszawski, Andrew Melatos

1210.2204 (Guus Regts et al.)

Compact orbit spaces in Hilbert spaces and limits of edge-colouring

Guus Regts, Alexander Schrijver

1210.2228 (Robert M. Yamaleev)

Summation formula for solutions of Riccati-Abel equation    [PDF]

Robert M. Yamaleev

1210.2262 (Alessandro Sfondrini)

An introduction to universality and renormalization group techniques    [PDF]

Alessandro Sfondrini

1210.2300 (Derek Harland et al.)

Towards a complete, continuous, Wigner function for an ensemble of spins
or qubits

Derek Harland, M. J. Everitt, Kae Nemoto, T. Tilma, T. P. Spiller

1210.2312 (Stefano Romano)

Frobenius structures on double Hurwitz spaces    [PDF]

Stefano Romano

1210.2315 (J. R. Li et al.)

XXZ-type Bethe ansatz equations and quasi-polynomials    [PDF]

J. R. Li, V. Tarasov

1210.2344 (Yasmine Meroz et al.)

A Test for Determining a Subdiffusive Model in Ergodic Systems from
Single Trajectories

Yasmine Meroz, Igor M. Sokolov, Joseph Klafter

1210.2348 (Konstantinos Kanakoglou)

Gradings, Braidings, Representations, Paraparticles: some open problems    [PDF]

Konstantinos Kanakoglou

1210.2353 (Klaas Landsman et al.)

A Flea on Schroedinger's Cat    [PDF]

Klaas Landsman, Robin Reuvers

1210.2354 (Sulei I. R. Costa et al.)

Fisher information distance: a geometrical reading?    [PDF]

Sulei I. R. Costa, Sandra A. Santos, João E. Strapasson

1210.2371 (M. Biskup et al.)

A central limit theorem for the effective conductance: I. Linear
boundary data and small ellipticity contrasts

M. Biskup, M. Salvi, T. Wolff