Monday, April 8, 2013

1012.1337 (Ran Cheng)

Quantum Geometric Tensor (Fubini-Study Metric) in Simple Quantum System:
A pedagogical Introduction

Ran Cheng

1102.2744 (S. C. Power)

Polynomials for Crystal Frameworks and the Rigid Unit Mode Spectrum    [PDF]

S. C. Power

1108.5970 (Dmitry Pelinovsky et al.)

Rigorous justification of the short-pulse equation    [PDF]

Dmitry Pelinovsky, Guido Schneider

1304.1583 (S. I. Dejak et al.)

On blowup dynamics in the Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis    [PDF]

S. I. Dejak, D. Egli, P. M. Lushnikov, I. M. Sigal

1304.1591 (Kazuyuki Fujii)

"Proof" of the Copenhagen Interpretation    [PDF]

Kazuyuki Fujii

1304.1616 (Francis Valiquette)

Solving Local Equivalence Problems with the Equivariant Moving Frame

Francis Valiquette

1304.1632 (Guido Carlet et al.)

Hirota equations for the extended bigraded Toda hierarchy and the total
descendent potential of CP^1 orbifolds

Guido Carlet, Johan van de Leur

1304.1641 (Andrei Bytsko et al.)

Tetrahedron equation and cyclic quantum dilogarithm identities    [PDF]

Andrei Bytsko, Alexander Volkov

1304.1703 (Minakov Alexander)

Modified Korteweg-de Vries equation: modulated elliptic wave and a train
of asymptotic solitons

Minakov Alexander

1304.1748 (Dmitry E. Pelinovsky et al.)

Orbital stability of Dirac solitons    [PDF]

Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Yusuke Shimabukuro

1304.1780 (Elliott H. Lieb et al.)

Equivalence of two definitions of the effective mass of a polaron    [PDF]

Elliott H. Lieb, Robert Seiringer

1304.1788 (Yuri N. Fedorov et al.)

Unimodularity and preservation of volumes in nonholonomic mechanics    [PDF]

Yuri N. Fedorov, Luis C. García-Naranjo, Juan C. Marrero