Friday, July 13, 2012

1207.2843 (Constanze Liaw)

A new numerical approach to Anderson (de)localization    [PDF]

Constanze Liaw
We develop a new approach for the Anderson localization problem. The implementation of this method yields strong numerical evidence leading to a (surprising to many) conjecture: The two dimensional discrete random Schroedinger operator with small disorder allows states that are dynamically delocalized with positive probability. This approach is based on a recent result by Abakumov-Liaw-Poltoratski which is rooted in the study of spectral behavior under rank-one perturbations, and states that every non-zero vector is almost surely cyclic for the singular part of the operator. The numerical work presented is rather simplistic compared to other numerical approaches in the field. Further, this method eliminates effects due to boundary conditions. While we carried out the numerical experiment almost exclusively in the case of the two dimensional discrete random Schroedinger operator, we include the setup for the general class of Anderson models called Anderson-type Hamiltonians. We track the location of the energy when a wave packet initially located at the origin is evolved according to the discrete random Schroedinger operator. This method does not provide new insight on the energy regimes for which diffusion occurs.
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