Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1107.2016 (Florian Conrad et al.)

An Invariance Principle for the Tagged Particle Process in Continuum
with Singular Interaction Potential

Florian Conrad, Torben Fattler, Martin Grothaus
We consider the dynamics of a tagged particle in an infinite particle environment moving according to a stochastic gradient dynamics. For singular interaction potentials this tagged particle dynamics was constructed first in [FG11], using closures of pre-Dirichlet forms which were already proposed in [GP87] and [Osa98]. The environment dynamics and the coupled dynamics of the tagged particle and the environment were constructed separately. Here we continue the analysis of these processes: Proving an essential m-dissipativity result for the generator of the coupled dynamics from [FG11], we show that this dynamics does not only contain the environment dynamics (as one component), but is, given the latter, the only possible choice for being the coupled process. Moreover, we identify the uniform motion of the environment as the reversed motion of the tagged particle. (Since the dynamics are constructed as martingale solutions on configuration space, this is not immediate.) Furthermore, we prove ergodicity of the environment dynamics, whenever the underlying reference measure is a pure phase of the system. Finally, we show that these considerations are sufficient to apply [DMFGW89] for proving an invariance principle for the tagged particle process. We remark that such an invariance principle was studied before in [GP87] for smooth potentials, and shown by abstract Dirichlet form methods in [Osa98] for singular potentials. Our results apply for a general class of Ruelle measures corresponding to potentials possibly having infinite range, a non-integrable singularity at 0 and a nontrivial negative part, and fulfill merely a weak differentiability condition on $\mathbb R^d\setminus\{0\}$.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.2016

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