Friday, January 4, 2013

1301.0133 (Juan Olives)

Green's formula and singularity at a triple contact line. Example of
finite-displacement solution

Juan Olives
The various equations at the surfaces and triple contact lines of a deformable body are obtained from a variational condition, by applying Green's formula in the whole space and on the Riemannian surfaces. The surface equations are similar to the Cauchy's equations for the volume, but involve a special definition of the 'divergence' (tensorial product of the covariant derivatives on the surface and the whole space). The normal component of the divergence equation generalizes the Laplace's equation for a fluid-fluid interface. Assuming that Green's formula remains valid at the contact line (despite the singularity), two equations are obtained at this line. The first one expresses that the fluid-fluid surface tension is equilibrated by the two surface stresses (and not by the volume stresses of the body) and suggests a finite displacement at this line (contrary to the infinite-displacement solution of classical elasticity, in which the surface properties are not taken into account). The second equation represents a strong modification of Young's capillary equation. The validity of Green's formula and the existence of a finite-displacement solution are justified with an explicit example of finite-displacement solution in the simple case of a half-space elastic solid bounded by a plane. The solution satisfies the contact line equations and its elastic energy is finite (whereas it is infinite for the classical elastic solution). The strain tensor components generally have different limits when approaching the contact line under different directions. Although Green's formula cannot be directly applied, because the stress tensor components do not belong to the Sobolev space H1(V), it is shown that this formula remains valid. As a consequence, there is no contribution of the volume stresses at the contact line. The validity of Green's formula plays a central role in the theory.
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